all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 4BH 1 0 53.566472 -2.88651
L39 4GA 16 0 53.563822 -2.892388
L39 4PL 19 0 53.565067 -2.886584
L39 4PZ 4 0 53.560133 -2.874298
L39 4QA 6 1 53.565382 -2.884494
L39 4QB 15 1 53.566247 -2.880252
L39 4QD 33 0 53.565688 -2.879578
L39 4QE 20 0 53.564412 -2.883175
L39 4QF 33 1 53.564812 -2.883697
L39 4QJ 43 5 53.566319 -2.882943
L39 4QL 18 0 53.565972 -2.883646
L39 4QP 1 1 53.559608 -2.873836
L39 4QQ 4 0 53.564873 -2.88397
L39 4QR 50 3 53.564772 -2.882743
L39 4QT 19 0 53.562463 -2.880538
L39 4QU 8 0 53.563678 -2.872878
L39 4QW 25 1 53.56257 -2.879393
L39 4QX 25 2 53.56439 -2.877315
L39 4QZ 28 0 53.56344 -2.877237
L39 4RA 7 0 53.563761 -2.878708